Wednesday, January 16, 2013


This a music band poster with my favorite video game character Ultra-V from War of the Monsters.  I used a picture of him and painted over him.  I also made a background and used Linkin Park for the band name.

Ultraman Belial text

This is a picture of Ultraman Belial's face made out of text.  I used his face and typed down his history around him.  I made some of the text different colors like his eyes.

Ultraman Painted

I made this using a picture of Ultraman.  I colored him in his colors.  I had to paint the spots where the light was shining off him.

Transformers Shape

This a shape Art poster I made.  I used the transformer symbols and put some color in them.  I used Optimus Prime's truck mode and also put colors in it.  I forget what the background is.

My Robot Rising poster

I made this for some special effects.  There are 5 robots attacking the city, I forget what city I used for this one.  The one in the middle is the leader.

My take Art poster

I made this for my Art class.  This is a poster telling you to take Art.  I used the city of Chicago and painted in its colors.  I also used a image of Godzilla breathing paint, like he is painting the city.

Monday, January 14, 2013

My own Super Hero Named The Red Eagle

On the last week of May of 2012 I had a dream that I became a new super hero called The Red Eagle.  He had 4 different mode's, normal mode, alpha mode, alpha blue mode, and phoenix mode.  After my Art Final on June 7th 2012 I drew the picture of the Red Eagle and all his mode's.  So during the summer of 2012 I thought of making a story for my hero.